New Baby Arrival Poems What "new Baby Item" List Did You Use To Prepare For Baby's Arrival?

What "new baby item" list did you use to prepare for baby's arrival? - new baby arrival poems

If you have a site list, please link list, if known.

Best original list or use the 10 points!


mamiof2b... said...

Here is a list, which I recently when I had my child.

1. Onesies (many of them, short sleeves and longsleved)
2. Nightgowns (which keep the children close to warm.
3. Socks
4. Mittens (to prevent him from scratching his face with nails)
5. Levels (I wouldnt buy a big bag immediately, because you do not know what size to buy, til the birth of your child. The hospital is all you) offer you during your hospital stay.
6. Camera (you do not miss these special moments)
7. Q-tips (I found this very useful to clean the navel. Simplification of some use to an alcohol wipe.)
8. Alcohol (for use with a cotton swab to the navel)
9. Baby Shampoo and Conditioner will receive (at least, done most of the night lavender) miracle for me
10. Special cover (or that someone special that you have given)
11. Team photo of the hospital.
12. Back carry home.
13. Bottles (if not the nursing care plan. If you are breastfeeding, make sure you have n PlanUrsing pads)
14. Burp cloths (cloth diapers are perfect for this task.)
15. Bib
It's my baby, but some things you want in the bag for the hospital are packing:
1. A comfortable pair of underwear
2. Socks keep your feet warm (hospitals tend to make my feet very cold)
3.Nursing Bra (if planning nurse)
4. A comfortable pair of PJS, or as I call it the pants (I recommend the kind of velvet, like Old Navy. Parfait, having a baby.)
5. Shampoo and conditioner (essential shower.)
6. Lotion (just so you get your hands wet)
Must call 7.Phone number of people to
8. Something to get your impression of the child stamped her foot.
9. A laptop (one of the names of persons who together have in the delivery and recovery)
10. A roll of coins (if your husband can take something from the vending machine if you are near the cafeteria. It's really interesting.)
11.i also suggest you bring your own maxi-pads. I recommend the night. (Those who are more comfortable than hosHospital offers.)
12. Deodorant
13. Make-up (just in case you atleast decent in a couple of photos after the birth of the baby.)
I hope this helps a little.

carlyrid... said...

You need to prepare for the arrival of his baby .... each package before you laybour!
- Baby Clothing
- Baby Wrap
- Change of clothing
- Pajamas
- Materinaty Pads
- Towels
- Personal Care
- Camera

and anything that can not leave home without!

Angel said...

I Would not 1, the shops are doing more and more!

Levels must
Diapers - Size 1 * * (some babies are born large for newborns!)
Baby wipes (travel size containers are also useful)
Disadvantages diaper rash ointment

Food must be
Bottles and nipples (if you do not believe that breastfeeding)
Bib birth size
Burp rags (cloth diapers very good!)

Bath Time
Baby-Sized washcloth
Soft towels or hooded towels
Cotton balls
Rubbing alcohol
Baby Wash
Baby Lotion
Baby Powder

Reception Gowns
Tops in one piece
One-piece sleepers

And of course ...
Receiving Blankets
Film and / or disposable camera
Baby Acetaminophen
Rectal Thermometer
Clothes washing (formula for sensitive skin)

cbs1ange... said... ...

baby attitude said...

\\ \\ \\ \\ Bottle \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ Sterilizer
Baby Wraps
Maternity Pads
Changing Table
Baby Monitor
Diaper Bag
Car Seat

It's just a little I can think of when I my boy. Good luck

baby attitude said...

\\ \\ \\ \\ Bottle \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ Sterilizer
Baby Wraps
Maternity Pads
Changing Table
Baby Monitor
Diaper Bag
Car Seat

It's just a little I can think of when I my boy. Good luck

Gracie said...


jewel said...

new born diapers (a dozen)
Blankets (1-2)
Go home dress
Outerwear in winter, when snow gear
Socks and hats

honest tea said...

These lists are useful: ...

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